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Monday, June 4, 2012

Street Fighter

It's every 10 thousand years a fight game takes center stage from any game platform, let alone a Nintendo spotlight. So why exactly is Street fighter getting so much attention? Well if any of you readers out there have ever played the arcade Street Fighter that's what you can expect from this game on the 3DS. Super Street Fighter in my opinion is along side Ridge Racer as the best games at launch. This Street Fighter game is in all honesty the only game that I would recommend to anyone that has a 3DS. Just keep in mind they had to cut out some nice features in our to make it in a portable form. In the Big Picture the developers did one one thing right for sure, they added all 35 fighters from the console versions. Various different customization is also included which has different costumes and colors. On a down note in my opinion* Players are given all the characters at once, which I'm not a fan of because it gives no incentive to play longer. But other than that It's the same old core concept, Pick your fighter and face off against you opponents. You'll instantly feel the rush you did playing the game for the first time or just 20 minutes ago. Either way the game was very well made and has very nice polish, no bugs to be reported.

Gameplay: Street Fighter has a total of 6 attack buttons- three punches three kicks and this doesn't vary from character to character so it's very well balanced. there are four buttons a,b,x,y as well as the shoulder L and R buttons. But where are the special moves? Luckily Capcom crafted an interesting solution. splitting the touch screen into fourths, which both have customizable controls either Lite or Pro. The Lite scheme allows you to execute full combos and special attacks are easier to dish out thus making the whole game a cake walk and fairly easy. While the Pro mode is what most players will choose to get the traditional Street Fighter experience back. It's sad to say but I enjoy the Lite controls because it makes you feel as though you're actually good at the game which I currently am not. while the Lite controls are not very experience oriented, when you are able to use the Pro controls and be good at it you will be able to deal much more damage and deal deadly combos a lot faster than you would using the other control layout. After beating single player on several different characters I decided that I was to now try challenge mode which is a big bonus to the game. You are able to complete different challenges and in return receive some figurines of the character which is always cool to brag with your friends about if you get a rare figure. When that begins to simmer down there is always online mode which is personally my favorite. You can again like Mario Kart battle people from around the world but be careful if you have a lag filled game it can become very frustrating seeing as there can be punches that come flying in from god knows where and you are already down to half health. Lastly the 3D effect is a very nice feature, Capcom really wanted to set the standards on this game and they did it well. the presentation and the graphics are very nice the intros of all the character in 3D mode is astonishing. The best part of all this is that the 3D for the most part didn't impact the frame rate of the game at all.
Closing Comments:

Porting a console game onto a portable comes at a big price typically. Capcom attempted and succeeded at keeping this to a bare minimum, While there still is a lot of room for improvement with the game itesle. the touchscreen in particular for lefties isn't very friendly seeing as how I must stand in place and then use my stylist to select a special move. all in all it's a great game, maybe the best launch title for the 3DS and one of the better purchases for the new year.

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