Portal 2 the sequel to the ground breaking Portal 1, Portal had the element in surprise of the first-person physics-based puzzle gameplay. GLaDOS the robotic villain, was one of the most interesting and also one of the most pleasant bosses I have ever faced. Valve didn't unlike most development teams hit every key note they did with Portal 1 and added even more in portal 2.
From the first moments waking up in the same old Aperture Science facility. Portal 2 feels bigger, the story a bit thicker, and the character detail more surprising. While GLaDOS, the facility's operator, does what ever she pleases and pokes and prods you with jokes it's a great experience all in all to keep on progressing in the game just to hear what GLaDOS has to say. GLaDos has a very sarcastic sense of humor and when you're not starting at your screen blankly trying to figure out which laser goes where you can expect to be laughing.

You play as Chell, the same as Portal 1*, dragged back into Aperture after the end of Portal 1, how sad. You meet Wheatley almost like the oracle in Halo who helps you through the early stages. It's difficult to not see how well crafted all the lines are in Portal. All of Wheatley's lines are very witty and are all consistently clever. While there is several verbal battles between GLaDOS and Wheatley, I often ignored them seeing as I just walked into a new room that has a puzzle awaking to be solved. At the start of Portal 2, Aperture's labs are all but normal, everything is in a state of disrepair seeing as how Portal 1 ended. Once GLaDOS is rebooted again in the sequel, and whirs back into action, the facility follows. As you progress through the game a lot the test chambers become more complex, until you finally come face to face with the final boss.

Gameplay- you'll spend a lot of time trying to finish puzzles as quick as you can and hopefully will not become tangled in trying to solve it. Valve brings back the epic same portal gun while greatly expanding upon it's capabilities. While in Portal a lot of the chambers you will get annoyed and will become frustrated while others are a simple I got it solution. What Portal is great about is even the hardest levels don't make you feel stupid, it's more of a challenging event because the levels have become bigger in portal 2. As good as the single-player is in Portal, the co-op is the real highlight of Portal 2, while instead of just using the single player recycled levels Valve decided to let the players create their own levels and share them on PSN or Xbox Live. This was a genius idea, and to make it better and more communication oriented 1 robot gets one side of the portal and friend the other side. While it is fun to play with your friends it's not all about completing just the chamber, you can look at who took the least amount of steps to complete it and so forth to keep the fun up.
Closing Comments: Portal 2 is an extremely fun game that starts from the very beginning, while the story takes a while to get into, I can safely say it's a ton better than any Call of Duty single player which is just shooting and progression. Portal 2 was everything I expected from Portal 1, a crazy play at your own pace first person puzzle. The best part about portal 2, once you're done with the single player you don't have to stop there and can continue your adventures with your friends in this never ending puzzle.
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