Borderlands, a cartoonish animated game that was hand drawn you don't see very many of those anymore. well for those that aren't aware of what Borderlands is, it's a game that similiarly mimics a loot style game like Bilzzards Diablo. The game starts and you're on a bus ride going to who knows where and you're pretty much a mercenary that will do whatever stands in their way between them and their reward. Getting off the bus you can select one of four different characters all with unique abilities. after selecting your character that's where the fun begins. you recieve a handful of quests and countless "baddies" will do whatever it takes to prevent you from stealing their goods and killing their leader. The main reason why you're on the planet in the first place is because there was a tale of a mysterious vault that contained important artifacts and technology that no one had ever seen before. While just starting out there will be an imagine of a woman several times providing you with further detail on certain situations including what may lie ahead for you in your journey. You'll begin with corrded pistols and shuttering machine guns but the more time you've put into the game and the further you get you won't be as bogged down by harsh enemies because you've have found new weapons and shields that fit your play style. Borderlands is by far different from any other game on the market right now. the design is a very relaxing one that isn't over complex and that's what really makes the game fun for me. Borderlands is full of different color and the development team did a great job making this game look anything but dull. all the fights are very fluid, frantic, and exciting all at the same time. From time to time you'll come across "Badass" guys which are just version of the normal guys just harder and bosses that each have a little funny caption before you fight them.
While it may feel like you're often going through the same place, You instead are traveling through swamps, docks, clustered close quarters urban areas that add a sense of variety to the game. You'll also be treated to awesome cliff views and distant images that are still well drawn and thought out by the develops that thought of everything. while Borderlands is a vast open world game in which you can pretty much whatever you'd like in, luckly they have added convenient transportation systems (like a dune-buggie) and quick travel systems which allows you to travel anywhere in the entire game which the push of a button.
Gameplay.This is main event and the best part of Borderlands. There are Snipers, Shotguns, Machine Guns, you name it and not only that they have said there are over 11 million different types of guns including design and stat features. As you level up and progress in borderlands you're frequently change your shield and weapons so you're always in your prime for when those baddies come rushing at you. Another really cool feature to Borderlands is that each class has three different talent trees each specializing in their own thing. This is cool and all but there is a down side, Each class gets one and only one primary action skill, which you'll be using a lot when you're quickly reloading. The Hunter which was chosen class throws out a falcon and dive bombs the enemy, which is cool and all but I would rather have like a insta headshot skill. As you level in Borderlands you also aquire points to allocate where ever you'd like in your desired skill tree, which in return can increase your damage, or make you survive better. In borderlands like I stated there are a ton of guns to choose from and really that's what gearbox was aiming for, better customization so you could find the right gun that fit you. But this is like every first person shooter, it's just mindless firing and fast-paced gameplay. One thing I would have liked to see Gearbox do was add in some armor collection, seeing as all you can do is choose a character name and change the color of your clothing. While I'll admit that would make the menu very cluttered and it doesn't bother me that much it just feels like something is missing.
The shooting mechanics of borderlands is that to be admired. Like Call of Duty and many first person shooters today you can aim down the sight or scope on any weapon, but why this is amazing on Borderlands is because every gun is different and the different colors of your gun and the firing rate really plays a cool factor while playing. In Borderlands you will face many different enemies aside from humans, you will fight bugs, spiky dogs, robots, even zombies. Gearbox was very smart adding different monster type and behaviors to the game as well. Some enemies prefer to attack in groups while others just go with a full out bonzi charge. All the fights in Borderlands are very fluid, frantic, and exciting all at the same time. From time to time you'll come across "Badass" guys which are just version of the normal guys just harder and bosses that each have a little funny caption before you fight them.
Closing Comments:
While playing Borderlands is fun alone, like any game this game is ten times better when playing with friends. Playing with friends adds benefit, the more characters you add the harder the enemies come which adds a big of strategy, but in return you receieve rare loot more often. all in all borderlands is a one of a kind game that its unique style will not go under the radar. Borderlands will be a smash for a while to come as well as the upcoming Borderlands two
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