L.A. Noire takes place in the 1940's, The game is published by Rockstar and surprisingly you're the cop and not the guns blazing rebel in this game. You as a cop are sworn to protect the citizens of L.A. from the already mob infected streets. Being a cop you are the lowest of the low, you need to find all the evidence as quick as you can because detectives are always around to take the glory of reporting your case completed. The first mission starts out with a bang. The cut scene fills you in with everything you need to know up up to where your character was standing. The siren turns on and you answer the radio there's been a case of a shooting, you arive at the scene and your boss tells you to find the evidence but he doesn't expect much because this case isn't very important. You it begins, you can search everywhere and I mean everywhere you can possible imagine. The tip that the game gives you is that it'll make a little bing or a suspenseful sound when you pass an object that you can interact with whetheror not it's just a cup or even a bloody pistol there is a lot that you cna pick up and sometimes it's irrelevent to your case thus making it a true dectective almost mystery like game.

Team Bondi did an amazing job creating this game with their new technology called MotionScan, what MotionScan does is takee very wrinkle, twitch, downward glance, grimace, and hard swallow is from an actor playing a part, not an animator manipulating things from behind the scenes. Adding this to the game not only adds more depth into the game but adds almost a movie like trait. When playing video games it's easy to fall into your old habits like going to get food or responding to a text message, but when it comes to L.A. Noire you have to pay complete attention to who you're talking to and what their reaction is to the questions asked. As a decective you are at the crime scene quite a bit finding clues and questioning people, there are always 3 choices "truth" where you believe what they are telling you, "doubt" implying they are telling you the right thing but not how they explained it or they were missing some details or "lie" this is just a blunt action that can either go really well or really badly. Chosing the "lie" option normally you are required to show them why you think they are lying upon request of the person. sometimes they will just come out with it or maybe not. The trouble and struggle is if you chose the wrong action several times they can lie to you and send you into loops with your case while other times you might not get anything at all and they might say "get out". The nice thing they included in the game was that there is no abrupt failure if you fail to catch an important clue or accuse wrongly. The only game over screen comes from when you obviously die in a gun fight or fail to catch someone fleeing. the only part that is a little on the downside about the game, after a couple cases solved I felt like it was just a chapter book, solve one case go to the next and it felt a little repetitive but not so much that it's boring. L.A. Noire isn't all about cases though, it's still an open-world game like GTA4, you're free to do what ever you please in this recreated 1947 Los Angeles setting, and every once in a while take on 40 different radio call-in missions that are more action oriented including car chases and shoot outs. L.A. Noire is a bunch of fun filled with many landmarks that are well known as well as hidden cars, and intuition points (which help on interrogating). Finding certain areas and objects like these gain experience and help you level up thus giving you even more intuition points and more clothing options.

Closing Comments:
L.A. Noire is a fun action, mystery, detective game. it's a game that you will talk about for a little bit but it's not really a game to remember. Playing the game I find certain missions really have a certain stature but other times I just feel like it's just a 2nd rate case of just finding the suspect and chasing them down either on foot or in an ally. While L.A. Noire isn't perfect, Rockstar is taking the proper steps into making another great game.


Closing Comments:
L.A. Noire is a fun action, mystery, detective game. it's a game that you will talk about for a little bit but it's not really a game to remember. Playing the game I find certain missions really have a certain stature but other times I just feel like it's just a 2nd rate case of just finding the suspect and chasing them down either on foot or in an ally. While L.A. Noire isn't perfect, Rockstar is taking the proper steps into making another great game.
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